Oral Presentation

Laser converse express - diagnostics and volumetric photodynamic therapy of endometrial hyperplasia in women with infertility in ART programs.

Vladimir Zuev (RU), Michail Alexandrov (RU), Elena Kalinina (RU), Yuliya Pimancheva (RU), Anatoli Ischenko (RU), Tea Dzjibladze (RU), Irina Chochlova (RU), Anna Osipova (RU)

[Zuev] First Moscow State medical Setchenov University, [Alexandrov] Women Health Care Center, [Kalinina] ART-Echo clinic, [Pimancheva] First Moscow State medical , [Ischenko] First Moscow State medical , [Dzjibladze] First Moscow State medical , [Chochlova] irst Moscow State medical , [Osipova] irst Moscow State medical

Objective. To evaluate the possibility and efficacy of volumetric photodynamic therapy for hyperplasia in women with infertility and ART programs. Methods. Clinical, laboratory, hysteroscopy, sonography, morphological test, immuhystochemical investigation. Intervention. A new non-invasive technique for express diagnostics and non-surgical treatment has been developed - laser fluorescent spectroscopy, volumetric laser photodynamic therapy. Chlorine E-6 natural contaning drug as photosensibilisator was used. Extra- and intra corporal activation of chlorine containing medicine by laser radiation has been worked out and perfomed. Patients. 68 patients aged 36-45 (41,154+2,18 years) with determined simple and complex endometrial hyperplasia without and with atypia associated with chronic endometritis ( CE) and hormonal disorders (HD) were included into a comprehensive clinical and laboratory study. Results. 56 (82,35%) patients showed no evidence of any form of hyperplasia after initial course of treatment, 5(7,35%) underwent recurrent course, 7(10,29%) patients appeared to be unsuccessful. Conclusion. The study results suggest the developed medical technique for treatment endometrial hyperplasia in women with chronic endometritis and hormonal disorders in ART programs being effective non- surgical treatment and research-based.


